Happy New Year everybody! I hope the holiday season was joyful for you and that you’re ready for what 2025 will bring. I guess all we can do is buckle up, strap in and hold on for a wild ride! That’s my plan anyways!
Speaking of plans; it’s been my habit to make artistic plans and set daily goals for achieving them (I know, so boring) However, it does actually work for me, so I keep doing it. Usually, these goals cover such things as painting ideas that I have lurking around in my imagination. Composition is an artistic process that I’ve always enjoyed. Get’s the creative juices flowing and I get so engrossed that sometimes I forget to make dinner. I add practice time into my daily schedule, along with studio tasks, classes, website stuff, marketing, and all sorts of weird artsy things that I can’t tell you about. When I look back on the preceding year’s lists, tasks, events, etc. I get a great portrait of what I call my little slice of living the artist life.
So, I find it extremely exciting that the next art exhibit I’ll be participating in is called “Slices of Life”! (No, I had nothing to do with the title). Invitation image below.
The opening reception is Friday Jan. 10 6:00-8:00pm at Edgewood Gallery, 216 Tecumseh Rd, Syracuse. My newest collection of watercolor jewelry will be featured along with the works of Elisabeth Groat and Joyce Backus.
Slices of Life postcard front.
Slices of Life postcard back.
My schedule is beginning to get busy with studio classes and private lessons. Please consider booking early in order to get into the classes you’re interested in. I keep group classes in my studio to a maximum group size of only four participants. It keeps it cozy, and you get me mostly all to yourself. Please check out the Classes page for the most current offerings.
For those of you who enjoy taking classes from me at the Art Store, please note that I am currently not scheduled for any upcoming dates. I like to keep close to home during these “Outside Frozy, Inside Cozy” kinda days (the title of my newest watercolor painting. Image below). Don’t worry, I’ll be getting back into their rotation and will update you as soon as I have dates and more information! In the meantime, you have ample opportunity to get into my studio for a private or group lesson. Don’t be shy! Give those new art supplies you were gifted a chance to play! Contact me and come out for a lesson soon! It’s all just a slice of life and waiting for you to take a taste!