Season's Greetings

If you follow me on any of my social media accounts (thank you), you have probably noticed a severe lack of posting on my part. Especially on FB where I’ve completely blacked out my image. Since the night of the recent election results, I have struggled to find the whimsy and joy in the world I so love to create with. My darkest days have gone from wallowing in despair to glimpses of hope. Navigating through all the feels put me in an artistic slump. This was new territory for me, and I must admit I found it quite challenging.

My husband has often commented that he wished he could live in my brain. (His being entertained by my musings I’m sure) Not likely a pleasant experience these last few weeks. However, if you could see into my daily brain now; you’d see things returning to as normal as I ever get. The sun still comes up every morning (really, it’s up there, we just can’t see it very well here in CNY). I can still paint, I have a roof over my head, a supportive and loving family, food in my pantry, and so many blessings. My life is actually quite wonderful. I’m going to tell you why and how I got here in just a second. First, I must confess that as bright and cheery as I sound, all is not sunshine and roses quite yet.

Our political choices have changed the world in which we live in. And I’m not convinced it’s for the better. Our choices matter and effect us all. How we treat one another matters. What we say and do matters. What we allow to happen matters. You are welcome to disagree with me. I know I cannot change the world. But I can change the way I go through my day and how I interact in my place in the world and the people around me. I choose kindness and acceptance for people and the choices they make. Love who you want as will I.

And that’s what hit me in the head, or rather heart! L-O-V-E! My art has always been about sharing whimsy and joy with the viewer. Simple as that. It took me a while but remembering this simple mission helped me get myself back on track. Allowing myself to indulge in what I’ll refer to as my “dark art days” was a lesson in understanding why I feel so strongly about creating joy with my art. My dark art made me feel yucky, pissed off, and utterly alone. It also helped me channel my feelings and explore some new avenues of creativity. Yes, challenge is good, yes getting the feels out of my system is good. Yay art.

Forward to days filled with whimsy and joyful paintings, drawings and explorations…It no longer feels like a solitary struggle because we all are capable of love. We just have to choose to change our reactions to ones that are more caring and compassionate. So, I choose whimsy, joy and love and share it with you my followers and collectors of my art. I choose to change what I can change, and it begins with my outlook. Fair warning to you though, I WILL open my mouth and speak out when I see or hear people not choosing kindness. You will also note my FB image has changed from darkness to light!

I wish you all the best during these holiday weeks and the many challenging days ahead of us. Days, weeks, months, years all require kindness. Choose well my friends.